Monday, September 9, 2013

Short post - KMS



Lama menghilangkan diri, sebab busy study hahahaha
Actually, no proper idea to write this, saja nak update sebab dah lama tak menulis kat sini,

Currently, furthering studies at Kolej Matrikulasi Selangor :)
This a very wonderful place, and Im QUITE comfortable here *despite tons of works and studies*

With lots of new friends, new environment, and for sure, i have to learn to be independence !
Wehh tinggal jauh 400km++++ dari rumah okay !
And Im a strong girl now :D

Final dah nak dekat, so sekarang ni tersangaattttt busy ya Allah !
So guys, wish me luck
Will update soon after completing my first semester or whenever Im free later. 
Daaaa !


  1. Salam.. akak.. akak sy lepasan SPM 2013.. sy nk contct akak, bleyh x? Sy pon nk ambik ujian kelayakan Asasi Pintar UKM tu, klau bleyh nk tnye akak sket2 psal 2.. akak ad fb ke ape ke x, 6ty sy add akak.. bleyh kan??

    1. Wsalam, bleh, add kat FB Munira Mustansir. sorry lambat sebab baru bukak skrg :)


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