Hyep~ My name..is Munira a.k.a m00n..
aq bdak besa jew..
knp aq buat blog ni??
erm..suka2 kot..
my life is juz a simple one...but..o.O..really adVentuRing da...~
lovely parents..~ and two awesome brothers..
kawan2.(^_^)bnyk..tp kwn bek..ahaa..~ Aisyah Nabilah Abd Rahman..love her..~~
yg len 2...jannah~didi~sahira~dodo~miza~n etc2...===
ini..syamiza da corn..~~
ahaa..didi..weird n noisy one..~~
kwan2 batch f3..smua..misz them.=)
hurm..pe lg nk ckp?? ting3...
dreams..fuh..ssh nk ckp...aq cam x da hala tuju dew..
aq sniri x paham..apa aq nk jd bsr nnti..ssuatu yg agak musykil ntok difikirkan..~~
xp..ar..tnggu 2 tahun jew..nnti aq pikir balik..uhu.!
I always use to fail in exams, and my friend always pass.Now.he is the engineer in microsoft and i'm the owner of microsoft....wahh.! kta2 Bill Gates ni mmg best..! ahaa..~ ni mknya..org besa2 pun bleh brjaya taw..kjayaan x smstinya dgn stu cra..so..aq dah brazam..aq akan brjaya gak wlaupun ada bnyk kkurangan..~
ohoo~~stakat ni jelah untuk prmulaan..mlas tulis bnyk2..untuk prmulaan ckit2 r..k..bye..daa~ =)
wahahaha . nice blog :D